Ohio River Greenway

Special Places & Landscape Inventory

By Michael Gaige

Place. It defines everything. What was there? What is there? What will be to come? These fundamental questions are the basis of any landscape work. The best parks do not "muscle into" a space. Rather, they reflect the specialness of their place.  Before architects or engineers are hired to design a park, we believe conducting a thoughtful and rich inventory of the stories of the land is vital. 

In 2018, RHC hired professional ecologist/naturalist Michael Gaige to conduct a full inventory of the general park area to learn its stories, listen to its systems, and teasing out what could be. His evaluation here introduces us to the ecology, recreation, human settlement patterns, and succession underway on the land. By reading this document and using it as a road map, we can design a park that elevates and celebrates "place" and the special resources found uniquely therein. We welcome you to join this exploration by downloading and reading Michael's insights. 

His findings confirm much that you likely feel already. Where you live is special. And where this park will go, specialness will be found, created, conserved, and celebrated.

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